Top 3 career change myths

Today we’re talking about career change myths. The top 3 myths around career change that I regularly hear my clients talking about are: You need to accept a cut in salary when you change careers You need to retrain or undertake further study The only available opportunities are advertised on job search websites If you…

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How to have more days off work

Want more time off work but feel overwhelmed about how to make it happen? My trip to the Himalayas required so much planning. I’m known for being agile in the now, which means I’m not a natural planner. Figuring out how the business would run without me for a month felt uncomfortable but was essential.…

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How do you know when it’s time to leave your job?

How do you know when it’s time to leave your job? A client recently asked for help to figure this out. So, I shared my ‘Should I stay or should I go?’ formula. The result was clear: my client needs to leave this toxic environment. We worked together to figure out a timeline that worked…

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Is your job search approach working for you?

Think about the last time you looked for a job (or you may currently be looking). How did it make you feel? Empowered, with a sense of control over the process? Or belittled and questioning your employability? Now, think about a major purchase you may have made, e.g. a house or a car. Were you…

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How to keep your holiday vibe alive back at work

It’s been another big year, and I reckon we’ve earned a holiday. And hopefully, most of us will be able to get away for at least a few days. And I want to hold on to the holiday vibe for as long as possible when I come back to my desk. It really is possible…

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How to find your dream role in the current job market

Now is a fantastic time to find and land your dream role. But there are a few key things you need to know about the job market and how to approach an opportunity in order to land it. I recently spoke with Sarah Piper from Invisible Partners about this. Sarah works with organisations to identify…

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Ready to land your Dream Role in 2023?

There’s a 7-step process I use with my career coaching clients to help them identify and land their Dream Role. If you follow this process, you will have everything you need to land your Dream Role in 2023. What was this year like for you? There are two ways that I usually ask my clients…

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Even successful people can feel unemployable

There are people who doubt their ability / employability at every career level. This can especially be the case when trying to find a new role or moving to a new city / country. The worst case I’ve seen was a client who came to having submitted 150 job applications over 6 months and only…

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Who defines your success?

Having a clear definition of success is essential for career change. You can use it as a reference point to navigate your decisions and to not be distracted by other people who will judge your choices according to their own definition. If you’re: Stuck or fed-up in your role Unsure whether now is a good…

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