Who defines your success?

Having a clear definition of success is essential for career change. You can use it as a reference point to navigate your decisions and to not be distracted by other people who will judge your choices according to their own definition.

If you’re:

  1. Stuck or fed-up in your role
  2. Unsure whether now is a good time to move or not
  3. Going around in circles in your head and finding it impossible to make a decision as to stay or move on

And you want:

  1. a role that is more energising and fulfuling
  2. confidence that now is a good time to change roles
  3. and you want to make a decision that’s right for you

You need to review your definition of success.

I've outlined how to do that in my Career Transformation Hub.

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Network like a Pro

How to connect with the right people in a way that will make them happy to help you


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Find out what's possible for your dream life, best fit role.TM

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 Dream Role Masterclass

Get clear on your best fit role and the roadmap make it a reality

This webinar is for you if:

  • you're at a career crossroads, but feeling stuck
  • you want to figure out what to do next, but have too many ideas or none
  • you're ready to find your dream, best-fit role: one that is energising and fulfilling?

I’ll help you to figure out your next dream career move

  • Identify 1-3 inspiring ideas as to what to do next
  • Figure out which idea is a best-fit
  • Learn how to make the change safely in 3 steps.

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Career Transformation Hub

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