Why is it so hard to figure out your next career move?
Many of us are raised with the idea that we’ll discover what we’re good at, maybe get a relevant degree at uni, then embark on a clear, linear career path. And each step along the way will be obvious.
While that may be true for some, it hasn’t been the case for most people I know. And certainly not for most of my clients.
One of the problems with this paradigm is the idea that we should ‘do’ (i.e. get a job doing) what we’re good at, then everything will fall into place. But just because you’re good at something, doesn’t mean you’ll find it fulfilling as a job. My husband, for instance, has very strong administration skills, but a role with a high admin burden would do his head in within a week.
So, what’s the solution? Well, I happen to have an answer: get to know your strengths.
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Your strengths are your super powers. They are activities that you find fulfilling and with which you have a natural affinity. One of the great things about strengths is that only @ 1 in 33 million people will have the same strengths combination / order as you. So you really are unique!
Understanding your natural strengths will give you a clear framework through which to identify a role that you will find genuinely fulfilling and easeful. It will also help you to do better and be more fulfilled in your current role. And if you play to your strengths for 60 – 80% of your week, you will double your productivity, resilience, creativity & happiness!

So, whether you want to find a new best fit role or improve the fit of your current role, understanding your strengths will give you the info and understanding that you need.
If you’d like to find out more about how strengths can help you, try my new Strengths Mini-Masterclass bundle:
- get to know your strengths
- understand how to talk about your unique abilities
- and learn how to get noticed and hired without relying on job search websites
Or book in for a free 15 min chat with me.
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Free masterclasses
Dream Role Masterclass
Get clear on your best fit role and the roadmap make it a reality
This webinar is for you if:
- you're at a career crossroads, but feeling stuck
- you want to figure out what to do next, but have too many ideas or none
- you're ready to find your dream, best-fit role: one that is energising and fulfilling?
I’ll help you to figure out your next dream career move
- Identify 1-3 inspiring ideas as to what to do next
- Figure out which idea is a best-fit
- Learn how to make the change safely in 3 steps.