Finding fulfillment in an unchallenging or uninspiring role

I was once hounded in a role for my one key weakness, according to MBTI – attention to detail. Not only did my confidence erode but my enjoyment at work dipped significantly. To cope with my changed work environment, as I wasn’t clear on what was next, I chose an inspiring project that I could…

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Why is it so hard to figure out your next career move?

Many of us are raised with the idea that we’ll discover what we’re good at, maybe get a relevant degree at uni, then embark on a clear, linear career path. And each step along the way will be obvious. While that may be true for some, it hasn’t been the case for most people I…

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Sometimes you need a friend to say, “Enough’s enough!”

When you’re in a job that’s just not right for you, it’s a bit like being a frog in a pot of cold water that slowly gets heated. You don’t realise you need to jump out. You become used to the discomfort until… Most of us have been in a role like this. We’ve stayed…

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How to recognise and manage a narcissist

I would say 1 in 2 of my clients work for, or have worked for, a boss with narcissistic traits and in some cases a fully expressed narcissist. That means there’s around a 50% chance that you have worked for one, or have one in your personal life. Interestingly, I am often the one pointing…

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Is it you, or the job?

Are you just pretending to be happy in your role? Jem Fuller has moved from barefoot traveller wandering around Central and South East Aisa to a suit and tie corporate leader of a $100 million division of a multi‑national organisation. He now helps others to find fulfillment through mindful and authentic leadership and helping them…

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Great skills and experience, but no confidence about career change?

“I’ve got great skills and experience, but no confidence about career change.” Is this you? If it is, you’re in great company. Clients come to me with anything from 3 years in their industry, to having climbed the ladder to CEO level. Here are the most common stories (I hear these daily) that they tell…

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Your dream role is possible

Today I want to talk about finding your dream role – a role that is fulfilling, energising and plays to your natural strengths. Does this sound like you? there’s a  lack of flexibility in your role your manager doesn’t seem to trust you, even though you’re in a senior role you’re feeling stuck  Do you: …

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Finding your best fit role isn’t about changing who you are

Finding your best fit role isn’t about changing who you are. Are you stuck in a role: that lacks the flexibility that you want? that doesn’t align with your values? where your manager doesn’t seem to trust you, even though you’re in a senior role? Do you want: to be treated like an adult, especially…

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Is your job search approach working for you?

Think about the last time you looked for a job (or you may currently be looking). How did it make you feel? Empowered, with a sense of control over the process? Or belittled and questioning your employability? Now, think about a major purchase you may have made, e.g. a house or a car. Were you…

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How to resign with confidence

Today we’re talking about how to resign clearly, concisely and on your terms. We can get confused by our feelings of loyalty and conscientiousness. Get this right and you are proactive, and have a simple interaction. Get this wrong and you can find yourself being reactive and having a complicated interaction. Here is my recommended…

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