Dream Life Best Fit Role
Wondering where the progressive employers are?
Are you in an industry that lacks flexibility? So many organisations now boast about their culture and flexible practices, but struggle to actually support, let alone enable, their people to work flexibly. Meet Rob Rankin who has created a strikingly different employee experience in the law. The legal industry tops the charts with anxiety and…
Read MoreHow to make a sea change and thrive
Are you in a role that is perfect on paper, but in reality doesn’t feel right? The answer as to why can be found by looking at your strengths. In fact, strengths are a great way to not only understand yourself, but those around you – colleagues, partners, even kids. I was recently interviewed by…
Read MoreIs the grass actually greener in a different workplace?
I’ve spoken to 6 people in the last week who are either being micro-managed or their manager is causing chaos with their reactivity and changing their minds. I’m often asked, “Is the grass actually greener?” I am happy to tell you, yes it is. The grass is greener. When we work with micro-managers or chaotic…
Read MoreLayne Beachley’s top tip for success in work and life
Last week I met Layne Beachley – 7 time world surfing champion. I have admired her for years and it was brilliant to meet her in person. One of the key things she attributes her success to is her dream team. She surrounded herself with people who believed in her dream. Do you have a…
Read MoreIt’s OK to want more from your work life
One of the best things about living in this era is that we can realistically want more from our work; and we can make it a reality. And, we don’t need to feel guilty about it. Being fulfilled has a significant ripple effect. We are likely to: be more energised, calmer and show up in…
Read MoreIs your work meaningful?
Why is it important for your work to be meaningful? Because most people spend a third of their lives, or more, at work. So why not be fulfilled, and have a positive impact? I help clients to work out whether they can boost the meaning in their current role. Then we assess how sustainable that…
Read MoreLisa Corduff: the reality and myths of building an online business
Lisa Corduff makes running an online business look easy. In this interview she reveals how she has gone from exhausted mother to whole foods blogger, to successful online entrepreneur. Lisa is a transformational coach who works with women to help change their mindset; to uncover all the subconscious stories that are keeping them stuck and…
Read MoreDon’t assess your options based on job search websites
Only 20% of jobs are advertised, yet many people judge their options based on what they find on job search websites. It’s highly unlikely you’ll find the right job through such sites, but it’s almost guaranteed that your confidence will take a major hit. Book your free 15 min chat Find out what’s possible for…
Read MoreHow to play to your strengths & reclaim time
We’ve been taught to believe we have to ‘do it all’ ourselves. But the reality is, that approach is far from sustainable. The best results are realised when we play to our strengths and mitigate our weaknesses through partnering, outsourcing or eliminating tasks we struggle with. I was recently interviewed by the fabulous Jade Green…
Read MoreWhy mapping out your perfect day matters
One the steps in my 7 Step Career Change program is to understand your happiness formula – the elements that fuel your happiness. Why do we do this? Because we know from positive psychology that happiness predicts success, not that other way around. Even in challenging times such as these, it’s important to still focus…
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